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3D/Multi-Channel Recordings of Nature & Americana

We are nature lovers, audio/video engineers and field recording professionals who have a passion for our trade, nature and American culture. We use the latest technology for our audio/video projects and that translates into large libraries of high-definition audio and video recordings, much of which is multi-channel and 3D ready for VR tools. Our VR audio and video recordings will make that place or event feel uncannily real, and we worry about the prospect of smell-a-vision technology, which may be just enough to keep you from ever needing to leave home. We really want you to enjoy the real thing… like in person.  

We hope to inspire by sharing what we think is special about life, the universe, and everything in it. We think that the “slo turtle,” mentality wins the race every time, if not, hopefully we gave it gusto and enjoyed our time out in the field. If you are familiar with our work and would like more information, please reach out. Otherwise, so long and thanks for all the fish!

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